My first taste of the military LAFB
The reason why I joined was I always wanted to join the Air Force since I was little and plus there where no jobs that I wanted to do. My cousin (we only lived 10 miles a part and he is 6 months older than me) and I joined under the buddy system. We reported to the MIPS station, almost didn't make it on time not our fault. (On the way to the MIPS the greyhound bus driver was talking to some woman and ran the bus into a overhang at a bus stop. No one was hurt but the top right skylight window got broken out and 2 foot of the overhang was sticking through. After the bus driver got permission to go we arrived 3 hours late!!!) So we started the process to see if I was qualified to enter the military. So after alot of paper work it was time to do the physical. We were all hearded into a big open room and was told to drop our pants, after complying the doctor was going down the line to check for herina's. He got halfway down and yelled out to this guy your dick looks like a bumblebee's dick. We all were looking down that way then all of a sudden he shouts out WHAT IS EVERYONE LOOKING AT!!! EYES FRONT!! Then were were hearded down the hall to take a pee test. After accomplishing that we were told to bring the urnine to the nurse. Walking to the nurse to give my sample I couldn't help but notice the other collected samples that was on a table (as many as 500) all had different colors. I saw some samples that was red, green, black I have no idea what those people were putting into there body, but could only wonder. After giving the nurse the sample I was told to go down another hallway and see the physical person, after wonder around for a couple minutes I found the correct room I was told to strip down to my underware. I complied and there were several other people in there. One of the nurse's told one of the guys to duck walk across the room, he squated down an comenced to walk like a duck while doing that he started quacking anf flapping his arms, then all of a sudden he relieved himself (feces) all over the floor!!! Anyway after that happened the doctor said we all passed and we didn't have to walk like a duck. That was basically all the porcessing done. I was then told that I do qualify to join the military. The next day my cousin and I headed back home. BTW he also qualified to join. I got a call I think a week later and told me to report to Lackland AFB in a couple of weeks.
About ME
I enlisted in the USAF 21 June 1982. Went to basic training at Lackland AFB Texas Completed basic training August 1982 Why so long? That is another story later. Went to technical school Sheppard AFB Texas. Completed Tech School, got my orders to RAF Woodbridge United Kingdom 67th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron was at Woodbridge from November 1982 to December 1985. Crewed HC-130H tail #66-0962 was a HC-130H at the time now a EC-130H Got orders to Little Rock AFB Ark 314th OMS was there from January 1985 to October 1987. Crewed C130E Tail # 63-7894 no pictures at this time. Got orders to rhein main AFB Germany 435th OMS from December 1987 to September 1991 ACC on #70-1260 and DCC on 70-1274 Got orders to Kirkland AFB New Mexico from October 1991 to August 1993 DCC on tail # 88-0191 Got orders to Howard AFB Panama Did not crew any aircraft. Worked in Transient Alert and Chief Inspector Quality Assurance from September 1993 to August 1996. Got orders to RAF Mildenhall United Kingdom. Did not crew any airpalnes, NCOIC MOCC from September 1996 to September 2002 Retired!!
C130 Hercules the workhorse of the USAF
The C-130 Hercules primarily performs the intratheater portion of the airlift mission. The aircraft is capable of operating from rough, dirt strips and is the prime transport for paradropping troops and equipment into hostile areas. Basic and specialized versions perform a diversity of roles, including airlift support, DEW Line and Arctic ice resupply, aeromedical missions, aerial spray missions, fire-fighting duties for the US Forest Service, and natural disaster relief missions. In recent years, they have been used to bring humanitarian relief to many countries, including Haiti, Bosnia, Somalia, and Rwanda.
Four decades have elapsed since the Air Force issued its original design specification, yet the remarkable C-130 remains in production. The turbo-prop, high-wing, versatile "Herc" has accumulated over 20 million flight hours. It is the preferred transport aircraft for many US Government services and over 60 foreign countries. The basic airframe has been modified to hundreds of different configurations to meet an ever-changing environment and mission requirement. The C-130 Hercules has unsurpassed versatility, performance, and mission effectiveness. Early C-130A, B, and D versions are now retired.
Four decades have elapsed since the Air Force issued its original design specification, yet the remarkable C-130 remains in production. The turbo-prop, high-wing, versatile "Herc" has accumulated over 20 million flight hours. It is the preferred transport aircraft for many US Government services and over 60 foreign countries. The basic airframe has been modified to hundreds of different configurations to meet an ever-changing environment and mission requirement. The C-130 Hercules has unsurpassed versatility, performance, and mission effectiveness. Early C-130A, B, and D versions are now retired.
Why Post
I have been pondering for several years about posting MY personal experiences maintaining the mighty workhorse airplane called the C130 airplane. I was a crew chief saw alot and done alot. I will not allow any comments as I don't care what you say, this is my say and my opinions as you see, I spent 20 years taking opinions listening to opinions and I will not tolerate no one elses period!!! You see I done my time don't take me wrong, I loved the job I did, but didn't like the bullsh**. Everyone would do there jobs correctly if it wasn't for that!!!! All the red tape, the GOOD OL BOYS playing grabass, kissing up to the boss as got to go, for one minute forget the politics and let the crew chiefs get the job done!!! I am not angry at no one or one thing. I didn't appricate when it came my turn to get out of the WAR, the treatment I got, Hey I done my time period!!