

Arrival @ New Squadron

I got to the new squadron around 9:00 am. I was told to wait outside the 1st Sergeant office. So I did, and I waited and waited. By this time it was 11:00 am and I was told to go eat lunch and report back. I went to the chow hall and ate. I got back to the office about 11:45 am and was told to report to the 1st Seageant. I went through the office door scared as hell as I did not know what to expect. I reported to him as I should. I noticed that he looked down at the office carpet, then all hell broke loose. His juglar veins popped out and he banged his fist on his desk, he said look at my f--king carpet!!! I looked down and to my horror saw my foot prints on the carpet!!!(On the way back from the chowhall I crossed over a drain that someone had emptied grease from the grill into and on the drain itself and of course my dumb as@ stepped into it and some how the old nasty grease stuck to the bottom of my boots!!) I said oh god to myself as I knew what was going to happen next. He jumped up out of his chair and started chewing me out, then he called for reinforcements more T.I.'s!!! By the end of it all there were 10 T.I.'s all circled around me all pointing thier fingers in my face and in my face. What a gaggle this was. I was made to do 100 pushups for every print on the carpet so I was there for 2 hours doing pushups. After that I was asked what was I going to do about the carpet? I said if you have a carpet cleaner I will get that dirt up. Guess what in about 5 minutes I did have a carpet cleaner and was cleaning the carpet. while I was cleaning the carpet the T.I.'s were hovering over me just going at it. By this time 2 more hours had passed so now it is 5:00pm. I was told that I was not getting any chow because of what I done. After the carpet was cleaned I was told to report to my new flight.

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